This rom is based of the latest ParanoidAndroid sources and Latest Quarx CM10 sources, both as of 09-19-2012 around Noon CST. Any problems or ParanoidAndroid or Quarx's CM10 will be present in this rom. That said, most things are workings as expected, if you have problems can always report it here in the thread, I will be happy to help. This rom is fully built from source and always will be -- NO PORTING ALLOWED
System App "Bugs" -- Valid for any CM10 Rom and CM9 for Apollo•If the AOSP keyboard keeps taking preference and you don't want it to, delete LatinIME.apk & LatinImeDictionaryPack.apk or rename to *.apk.bak
•If Apollo intercepts your long press volume track change or the lockscreen music widget doesn't work correctly, delete or rename Apollo.apk
•This rom includes (and always will) a 30 step volume mod, if it messes with your player then uncheck "Direct Volume Control" or the appropriate setting in your music app. I'm an audiophile and prefer the 30 step mod over the default 15.
Updating the Rom•For Dirty Upgraders (non-Factory Reset install) all you have to do is flash the rom -- no dalvik or cache wipe is required -- they're built in.
•This rom includes GooManager and it will let you know if a new version of ParanoidAndroid available.
•The roms in Rom Manager are from Quarx's server. I'll be removing this in later versions of PA.
•I recommend a full factory reset when installing new versions; but I do that with every rom I flash.
•Use GooManager to update this rom -- It'll automatically reboot into recovery, wipe what you selected it to, flash the rom, and flash gapps. The only thing you have to do when updating is say yes to wipe dalvik cache and reboot.
Bugs•Settings>Storage has the SDCard listed as Internal Memory
•Settings>Dev Options>Force GPU Rendering -- can cause the Status Bar to not appear
•Settings>Display>Enable On-Screen Buttons -- does nothing, use Settings>System>Navigation Bar instead
•Settings>Display>Change Height -- doesn't work with Navigation Bar (see the above bug)
这ROM是基于的最新ParanoidAndroid的来源和最新的Quarx CM10来源,无论是作为2012年9月19日中午左右CST。任何的问题或ParanoidAndroid或Quarx的CM10将出现在这个ROM。这就是说,大多数东西都运作不如预期,如果你有问题可以随时报告在这里的线程中,我将乐意为您提供帮助。这ROM是完全从源代码构建,而且将永远是 - 允许NO PORTING
系统应用程序的“错误” - 有效期为任何CM10 ROM和CM9阿波罗•如果AOSP键盘偏好和你不想要它,删除LatinIME.apk与LatinImeDictionaryPack.apk或重命名为*。apk.bak
更新ROM•肮脏的升级用户(非恢复出厂设置安装)所有你必须做的是闪存ROM - 没有达尔维克缓存擦拭需要 - 他们是内置的。
•使用GooManager更新此ROM - 它会自动重启进入恢复,擦拭你选择了它,快擦写ROM,和闪光灯GAPPS的。你唯一需要做更新时,说是擦拭的Dalvik缓存和重新启动。
“设置”>“开发”选项“>”强制GPU渲染 - 可以导致状态栏不会出现
“设置”>“显示”>“启用屏幕上的按钮 - 什么都不做,使用”设置“>”系统“>”导航栏,而不是
"设置>显示>更改高度 - 不使用导航栏(见前面的bug)
摩托罗拉 DEFY/ME525刷机教程
摩托罗拉 DEFY/ME525热门ROM
摩托罗拉 DEFY/ME525热门ROM
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