JB Milestone 1
With the news of Android 4.2 on the horizon, we at Team Kang felt you, the end-user, deserved to see a Milestone build. With a massive surge of effort and contributions, we have one for you now, and hope you enjoy it as much as we do.
The wait for 4.2 begins now. We won't release any new builds until it gets pushed to AOSP and merged into our source. Don't worry though; we are already working on some awesome new features, you may have seen some teasers on Twitter/G+ already!
This time we definitely focused on fixes, we managed to close each bug report received on Rootz and Twitter in the last few weeks.
But AOKP isn't AOKP without new features, right?
*Adjustable NavBar width for Tablets
*Allow "Vibrate on Touch" behavior for Slide unlock
*Toggles can be hidden like in ICS - long press on the Settings button!
*Clickable (short & long configurable) Clock and Calendar in the Notification Slider
Further notes:
*Evita (AT&T HTC One X / XL) is back!
*Tunas (Galaxy Nexus phones) ship with a different kernel (LeanKernel 4.5.0), you might need to reset your Color/CPU settings in ROMControl. Do it if you encounter any weird colors (usually green) on your screen.
*Grouper (Nexus 7) includes the stock kernel from Google
*Vastly improved Torch functionality, thanks to Boris Bershadskiy and sethyx
Release Date:28 Oct 2012
从现在开始等待4.2。我们不会发布任何新版本,直到它得到推送AOSP合并到我们的源代码。不过不用担心,我们已经着手在一些很棒的新功能,你可能已经看到了一些在Twitter上/ G+的预告了!
但AOKP AOKP没有新的功能,对不对?
*像ICS一样切换,可隐藏 - 长按“设置”按钮!
*Evita(AT&T HTC X / XL)又回来了!
*Tunas(Galaxy Nexus的手机)设备用不同的内核(LeanKernel4.5.0),如果在你的屏幕上遇到任何奇怪的颜色(通常为绿色),您可能需要在ROM设置中重置您的颜色/ CPU。
大大提高了手电筒功能,感谢Boris Bershadskiy和sethyx
三星 Galaxy S (i9000)刷机教程
三星 Galaxy S (i9000)热门ROM
三星 Galaxy S (i9000)热门ROM
- 三星 Sumsung Galaxy S GT-i9000最新官方2.3纯净版
- 【新蜂】三星I9000刷机包 官方 精简 稳定 省电 V2 Android4.2.2
- 三星I9000刷机包 全功能完美运行 极致流畅稳定 4.2.1卡刷包
- 三星 I9000 刷机包 超强音质 高清 唯美 精简 急速
- 三星i9000刷机包 乐众ROM内核优化 稳定流畅 省电待机 丝质体验
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- 三星i9000刷机包 4.2.2CM 最新优化 农历锁屏 内置程序精简 流畅省电稳定
- 三星I9000刷机包 力卓 Lidroid 4.2.2 v1.6 for Samsung I9000
- 三星I9000刷机包 galaxy s3风格体验 丝丝柔顺 流畅运行 稳定版
- 三星 Galaxy S i9000 2.3.6 ICS美化版 顺滑 省电 15锁屏 来电归属