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魅族MX 正式固件 Flyme 2.1.2(适用于香港)

发布日期: 2013-03-14 09:01


UI类型: Flyme OS 作者: admin

包类型: 线刷包 该包专用线刷工具下载


大小: 170.07MB


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MD5: 57122e51956f07e9db8dd5a245d040f5
SHA1: 1cf5f3a4594a1231a79493552fc4e56359722718
1. 香港版手機升級内地版的系統軟體("update.bin")可能會造成應用程序數據不兼容的問題
2. 請勿從非官方網站下載系統軟體更新檔
3. 升級系統軟體前, 請確定手機電量在20% 以上
4. 升級系統軟體有可能導致檔案遺失或損毀, 請把重要的個人資料或數據備份至電腦
5. 若升級系統軟體時勾選"Clear Data Simultaneously (Please backup your database)",
6. 升級系統軟體時, 請勿關機或重新開機, 否則可能會導致系統檔案損毀而無法開機
7. 升級系統軟體後, 如出現系統異常重新啟動或應用程序強制關閉等情況,請嘗試重置手機
1. 把MX系統軟體更新檔update.zip複製到MX的內置儲存空間的根目錄
2. 把MX關機
3. 等待MX完全關機後,同時按住電源鍵和音量加鍵開機
4. 成功進入系統升級模式後,按Upgrade即可進行系統升級
5. 系統升級中,此時請勿關機
6. 等待系統升級完成後,MX會自動重新啟動
7. 進入 設定->關於手機,查看系統版本是與下載的系統軟體版本相同,如果相同說明本次系統軟體
1. 全新的Flyme系統軟體,全新設計的桌面圖標和更便捷的多任務切換;
2. 新增鎖屏界面由螢幕邊緣橫向向內滑動快速啟動相機;
3. 新增Flyme短訊發送語音訊息的功能;
4. 新增鍵盤語音輸入功能;
5. 新增文件和應用加密功能;
6. 新增桌面應用備份功能;
7. 新增圖片標註功能;
8. 新增世界時鐘;
9. 新增日曆中以農曆日期、節日節氣搜索的功能;
10. 新增移動郵件、郵件自動壓縮圖片、郵箱推送設置等功能;
MX Firmware (Flyme 2.1.2)
Firmware version: Flyme 2.1.2
Release time: 2013-03-13
Software size: 170MB
Suitable model: MX(M030/M031/M032)
MD5: 57122e51956f07e9db8dd5a245d040f5
SHA1: 1cf5f3a4594a1231a79493552fc4e56359722718
1. Upgrading HK MX with the mainland China Simple Chinese version firmware
may lead to compatibility issues
2. Please do not upgrade the device with non-official firmware
3. Before upgrading, check that the battery has at least 20% capacity
4. To avoid loss of data & if required, please perform Flyme or relevant backups
before upgrading
5. Selecting "Clear Data Simultaneously (Please backup your database)" on the
upgrade screen will delete all personal data (such as Notes, Email, and Contacts).
Music and Camera photos will remain intact.
6. To avoid bricking the phone, do not turn off or reboot the device while upgrading
7. Reset your phone if you experience any stability issues after upgrading firmware
Upgrade procedure:
1. Copy firmware “update.zip” onto the root directory
2. Turn off the phone
3. Press and hold the Power and Volume Up buttons to enter upgrade mode
4. After entering upgrade mode, press Upgrade key to upgrade
5. System upgrading, please do not shut down the phone
6. The system will automatically reboot after upgraded
7. After boot up, please check “Settings -> About” to verify the correct firmware
version is installed

Change Note: 
1. A brand new Flyme system software, newly designed desktop icons and more
convenient multitask switching
2. New shortcut interface, when locked, swipe in from the edge of the screen to
launch the camera apps
3. New voice message on Flyme SMS function
4. New keyboard voice input function
5. New file and application encryption function
6. New desktop application backup function
7. New picture "Marked" function
8. New worldwild clock function
9. New search calendar function by Lunar dates & holidays solar terms  
10. New e-mail moving, automatically compress pictures & e-mail push settings ..etc
